Our mission is to improve lives by developing and promoting the growth of tennis

Adaptive Tennis

About Adaptive Tennis

Tennis can be adapted so that everyone can participate in the sport. People of any age, environment, social, intellectual or physical ability are invited to enjoy the game.

USTA South Carolina and USTA Southern can lead you in the process to start a new program or to grow your current program. Several curricula for teaching adaptive tennis can be found under RESOURCES below. 

In addition, USTA South Carolina and USTA Southern have designated contact people staff to help you. They can effectively answer questions on a wide range of topics, including financing, procuring educational materials and equipment and adaptive tennis programs within the state and the section.  Those staff members are:


Register Your Program

Connecting players with programs to meet their needs is a top priority, and registering your program with the USTA will enable those with similar needs in your area to find you. It is easy to do and free of charge. To register, programs must have at least three athletes and be actively ongoing. Register here.

Benefits of being a USTA-registered program include:

  1. Listing, with link to your website or email, on the USTA National Adaptive Tennis webpage.
  2. Being a member of a larger tennis community.
  3. Opportunity to network with other programs.
  4. Opportunity to apply for national grants when available
  5. Access to Adaptive Tennis curricula.
  6. Receipt of quarterly Adapt It! newsletter highlighting upcoming events, interesting programs, educational materials and funding resources.
  7. Opportunity to have a story about your program featured in the newsletter.
  8. Opportunity to share stories for the newsletter about other adaptive programs.
  9. Access to other USTA newsletters.
  10. Opportunity to register with USTA Net Generation if your program serves youth (18 and under).
  11. Opportunity for consideration of the USTA National Adaptive Tennis Award.

USTA Adaptive and Wheelchair Junior Curriculum

Resources for Junior players

Special Olympics Tennis in the Classroom Series

The above resources are provided courtesy of Public Tennis Inc., a CTA and NJTL in Beaufort County. (wayne@publictennis.org and www.publictennis.org)

USTA Registered Programs in South Carolina

Special Olympics - Contacts

Wheelchair Tennis - Contacts

Other Points of Contact

  • Kelly Garrick, Special Olympics South Carolina, Senior Director of Sports and Competition, KGarrick@so-sc.org